The Best Way To Save on Groceries at Kroger, According to Employee

If you’ve noticed your grocery bill creeping higher while your cart seems emptier, you’re not alone. With food prices on the rise, it’s more important than ever to get creative with your shopping strategies. One hidden gem that savvy shoppers swear by? Kroger’s dollar bin in the produce section.


The Hidden Treasure of the Dollar Produce Bin

For regular Kroger shoppers, the dollar produce bin is an open secret. This shelf (not an actual bin) is where you can find produce marked down to as low as 99 cents a bag. These items may be undersized, overripe, or slightly blemished, but more often than not, they’re perfectly fine for meal planning. It’s a bit of a gamble, but when it pays off, you can score some serious deals.

Where to Find the Dollar Bin

The dollar bin isn’t always easy to spot. It’s usually tucked away in an out-of-the-way corner of the produce section. If you’re having trouble finding it, don’t hesitate to ask the produce staff—they’re usually happy to point you in the right direction. Not all Kroger stores have a dollar bin, and the selection varies widely depending on the store and the day, but it’s worth checking out whenever you shop.

Sorting the Good from the Bad

Not all markdown produce is a good deal. Some of it is close to rotten, so it’s important to know what to look for.

  • Potatoes: Look for firm potatoes with minimal sprouting. Green potatoes are safe to eat if you peel them.
  • Citrus: Smaller lemons, limes, and grapefruit are often found in the bin. As long as they’re firm and free of major blemishes, they’re a great deal.
  • Tropical Fruits: Ripe mangos and papayas have a short shelf life, so grab them if you can use them quickly.
  • Bananas: Brown-speckled bananas are perfect for baking or smoothies. Since they’re often sold by weight, you can get a lot of bananas for very little money.
  • Avoid: Avocados in the dollar bin tend to be too squishy and past their prime.

More Ways to Save on Produce at Kroger

In addition to the dollar bin, keep an eye out for other marked-down produce throughout the store. Look for packages with a red and yellow markdown sticker. Items like bagged salads, mushrooms, and fresh herbs are often discounted this way. Just be sure to check the freshness before you buy.

Act Fast and Plan Ahead

The downside of cheap produce is that it doesn’t last long. You need to use it quickly, so be prepared to cook or freeze your finds within a day or two. Batch cooking is a great way to use up your haul and stock your freezer with ready-made meals.

Final Tip

Some Kroger stores also mark down other perishables like meat and dairy with yellow stickers. These can be great deals if you plan to use or freeze them right away.

By taking advantage of Kroger’s dollar produce bin and other markdowns, you can stretch your grocery budget further and still enjoy fresh, healthy meals. Happy bargain hunting!

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