DoGet Discounts at Walmart?
Unfortunately, Walmart does not offer a military or veteran discount.
The most likely reason why is that Walmart already offers the lowest prices on most common items when compared to major competitors. By shopping at Walmart, shoppers are already receiving “discounts” when compared to typical market prices.
Walmart alo other ways to save throughout the year, including rollback sales, coupons, and more.
For a closer look at Walmart’s reasons for not offering a military or veteran discount, check out our post about it here.
What Does Walmart Do For Veterans?
Even though they don’t offer a military or veteran discount, Walmart still does a lot for US veterans through several veteran-focused initiatives.
Walmart supports veterans by…
- Hiring veterans and ex-military personnel through the Hiring Our Heroes program
- Supporting and connecting Walmart and Sam’s Club associates who are veterans
- Supporting veterans’ financial opportunities through the Find A Future program
You can read Walmart’s commitment to veterans and military families here.
Other Stores Where Veterans Can Find Discounts
If you’d like to find places to shop that offer specific veteran discounts, you have tons of options.
Some examples of businesses that offer military and veteran discounts all year round include…
- Carhartt
- Eddie Bauer
- Foot Locker
- Kohl’s
- AT&T
- Sprint
- T-Mobile
- Verizon Wireless
- Apple
- Best Buy
- Microsoft
- Home Depot
- Lowes
- AutoZone
The discounts offered by these businesses range from 10% all the way to 50% off standard prices. For more information about the types of discounts available, check out this article from Business Insider.
Some retailers that do not offer year-round veteran discounts still offer special discounts and promotions in November around Veteran’s Day. Amazon and Target are both popular examples of retailers with generous Veterans Day specials each year.
For more information about Target’s yearly military and veteran discount, check out our post about it here.
Veteran Discount Qualification
To qualify for a veteran discount, you typically need to be able to provide some form of veteran-specific identification.
Some examples of veteran IDs include…
- A Veteran ID Card (VIC)
- A Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)
- A state-issued driver’s license with a veteran’s designation
In many cases, military spouses can also qualify for military and veteran discounts. However, there may be a process for applying for the discount so that the retailer can verify your military or veteran spouse status.
Check with the business whose discount you would like to avail to find out more about the process.